Sunday, December 16, 2012

How to extract file .rar on Fedora 12,13,14

basically archives can be read by the operating system Linux in general is. zipped. tar.gz but when we menumkan file. rar in linux operating system, we will kesulitas to extract the archive. need to install additional applications called unrar. where unrar is a project of the RARLAB. okay, to get the file can be downloaded at the link below:

- Unrar 32 bit, Download
- Unrar 64 bit, Download

or visit the website RARLAB.

the first to be done, we have to extract unrar files that we download.

- Go to the terminal, and go to the location where the file is located.
- Extract the contents of the file by typing the tra -xvf namafile.tar.gz
- Then go into the extracted files directory named rar or can be adapted to the state of the file name
- After going into a root, type ./unrar
- After that, we copy beberpa file by cp rar unrar / bin
- Once copied now you can do extract archives.rar

how to extract:
- unrar e namafile.rar

Thus this tutorial, may be useful.

sorry, if my english not so good. 

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